I coach people and teams to get the best out of themselves.
From time to time, we all need space and time to get things straight. So that we can move on, new and improved. Mostly, I don’t have the answers you are looking for. But if you get in the right headspace, you probably do. It’s my goal to help you get there.
With a wide range of techniques, methods and exercises, we work to go beyond your everyday thoughts and dig deeper into who you are and what you long for. There, you can truly learn about yourself, make better decisions and tackle the challenges you are dealing with.

It’s my speciality to facilitate others to be more honest, to do justice to what is and what isn’t and to create real opportunities to learn and grow.
In essence my work is not really tied to any specific subject, but I have good experience working with people on 1 finding the next step in their career, 2 dealing with stress and anxiety at work, 3 refining their professional and/or leadership style, and finally, 4 balancing different qualities in work, such as combining vulnerability and professionalism. More on these themes below.
The sessions primarily focus on work but we also look at the whole person. Since you probably bring your whole self to work anyway.
When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact me so that we can explore if your - or your team’s - next challenge is something we could work on together.

How does it work?
1 We meet and get to know each other. 2 We set goals and make a plan. 3 We get to work in two hour sessions. 4 We conclude by solidifying your results.
What does it costs?
I coach all kinds of professionals and teams. To make sure coaching is accessible to everyone, my rate depends on your context. Please contact me if you want to know more. A first introductory meeting is always free of charge.
Where do we meet?
We can meet online, at one of the locations of the Coachhuis, at Spring House in Amsterdam or at a location of your choice.
What is it exactly that you do?
Keep on reading, there’s more below!
Find the next step in your career.
Or realise that the position you’re in has more to it than you first thought. Not having a clear goal, desiring to be more passionate about what you do or having thoughts about what you should be doing, can create crippling doubts that weights down on you. So how do you get the right perspective? Well, it helps to get a clear head and to asses the situation you are in fairly. We work to truly understand your desires and what you need to realise them. And look at what your realistic options are. Then it’s time to make a decision and commit. Let’s get onto it!
How to deal with stress and anxiety.
We all deal with stress once in a while. For most of us it is part of the job. But with accepting stress as a part of our lives, it has become an individual responsibility to recognise when it’s enough. And to be able to take a step back, know how to recharge and change a situation when needed. This can be quite challenging when there are multiple interests at stake. It’s all about knowing yourself, knowing your triggers and when to listen to them. It’s about understanding what keeps you going and what enables you to let go or relax. And about getting proficient in balancing situations that drain energy from you with ones that get you charged up.
How to emancipate at work.
More and more doors are opening up for women, LGBTQ+ people and BIPOC. These emancipations are powerful. They also confront us with our old structures and with silence, incomprehension and resistance. Dealing with this as a professional - and especially when you’re also subject of the emancipation - is complex and requires skill. How do you decide when to take a stand or when to conform? How do you take responsibility and how do you let it go? It’s about finding a strong foundation from which you act. So that you feel less alone, less vulnerable and, above all, strengthened and able to take position. And to find resilience so that you can deal with disappointment, friction and doubt.

Refining your leadership style.
The world needs new kinds of leaders. Leaders that don’t rely on hierarchy and traditional structures to take the lead. Leaders that stand for what they believe in without being divisive and polarising. Leaders that can stay level-headed when needed and vocalise their emotions when necessary. Leaders that stay true to their expertise and perspective and act inclusive to others. Leaders that understand and respect the structures we have built and are willing to improve them. How to get there? Becoming the leader you want to be starts with creating the kind of self- and world-awareness that drives you forward. It’s about knowing yourself well, having an understanding of how you come across and learning to adapt truthfully to different situations. And it’s about understanding where the worlds stands, what is needed and what to look out for. We’ll work on self-reflection and we’ll get into all the hot topics of the world of today.
Balancing different qualities in work.
The expectations we lay on ourselves and each other at work are higher and more diverse than ever. We want to combine qualities in work and life that don’t come easy. We want to feel passionate about our work and also be practical and pragmatic to get things done. We want to come across professional and collected and also be authentic and able to show vulnerability. We want to stand for injustice and be able to work within a system. We want to be empathetic and able to make the though decisions. We want to be the best at work and at home. We will focus on training flexibility to move between all these different qualities in a way that feels true to you and fitting to your context. So that you have the freedom to employ any quality needed in a situation.
See a couple of minutes of me coaching right at the beginning of the episode from Medialogica “Handboek voor Haatzaaiers”, here.
(Netherlands only)

What people are saying.
“The coaching process with Monte is highly recommended for anyone who wants and dares to develop as a professional and human. Through his energetic questions, reflective exercises and skillful preparation, I came to valuable insights in a relatively short time that would have remained hidden below the surface without his coaching.”
— Senior strategist.
“Sharp and with a warm heart. Monte really sees people. I felt challenged and got more clarity through the coaching conversations with him. Our conversations have given me a wide and open view of my motives and obstacles.”
— Maaike Koorman, creative director.